When should an autologous hair transplantation be considered at the earliest?

Quite often I receive inquiries from people at a young age who are already interested in a hair transplantation. Based on many years of experience, I can say that in these cases a particularly intensive explanation of the treatment is necessary, since especially young people often have unrealistic ideas about the procedure and its possibilities. Accordingly, sensitivity and empathy are also required here – especially when I have to turn down young patients, even though they wish to have their own hair transplanted. In my new article, I would therefore like to sensitize young people to the fact that an autologous hair transplant is an intervention in the body, which can never be too late, but in some cases too early.

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Platelet-rich plasma as a treatment for hair loss

Hair follicles from the 3D printer – what can you expect?

3-D printers play an important role in scientific research when it comes to the question how organs can be artificially produced. Research is also being conducted into 3D printing of hair follicles. In my new article I summarized the current state of research for you.

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Platelet-rich plasma as a treatment for hair loss

Platelet-rich plasma as a treatment for hair loss

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has become of great therapeutic importance for many medical procedures and applications. This is a specific part of the blood serum in which the platelets were enriched by centrifugation. PRP is also being promoted by some providers with the promise that it is a reliable treatment for hair loss. So in my new article, I would like to introduce you to what PRP is, what it does and what its therapeutic value may be in different forms of hair loss.

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Body Hair Transplantation – a Revolution in Hair Transplantation?

Body Hair Transplantation – a Revolution in Hair Transplantation?

The idea of transplanting hair from all regions of the body (body hair) to the scalp, if the donor area is insufficient in the case of a planned hair transplant, was first published in 1939. At least since the turn of the millennium, such interventions are possible. But do they actually constitute a meaningful medical intervention? Why I am skeptical about body hair transplantation and would not recommend it, I described to you in my new article about body hair transplantation.

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Bioinženjering kao mogući izvor za transplantate od sopstvene kose

Proizvodnja veštačkih organa i tkiva kao mogući izvor za transplantate od sopstvene kose

Već nekoliko godina takozvani bioinženjering odn. inženjerstvo tkiva – proizvodnja veštačkih tkiva i organa – beleži zapažene rezultate. Uvek nanovo se izveštava o tome da bi se u bližoj budućnosti i čitavi organi mogli da proizvedu u laboratoriji kao hitno potrebni implantati, sa najvećom imunokompatibilnošću i specifično prilagođeni svakom primaocu. U tom smislu se za proizvodnju transplantata od sopstvene kose nastoji uzgojiti ih specifično za primaoca. Iz tog razloga želim da Vas u svom aktuelnom članku informišem o trenutnom stanju istraživanja transplantata od sopstvene kose iz laboratorije za kulturu ćelija.

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Afrikanisches Haar als Herausforderung für die Technik der Eigenhaartransplantation

Afrička kosa kao izazov za tehniku transplantacije sopstvene kose

Poštovane čitateljke i čitaoci,

poreklo čoveka od davnina je uticalo na oblikovanje ljudske kose u odnosu na kulturnu dimenziju. Tako, primera radi, u afričkom plemenu Himba frizura ukazuje na socijalni status člana zajednice. Međutim, iz etničke pripadnosti čoveka takođe proizilaze bitne implikacije, kada se, primera radi, radi o planiranju i sprovođenju transplantacije sopstvene kose. Tako se ljudska kosa deli prema etničkom poreklu osobe na tri različita tipa. Shodno tome, mogu se razlikovati azijski, kavkaski i afrički tipovi kose.

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Eigenhaartransplantation mittels Crosspunch-Methode

Stručni članak o metodi „Crosspunch“ u nemačkom Časopisu za estetsku hirurgiju

Budući da su tehnike, koje se u našoj klinici primenjuju u okviru transplantacije sopstvene kose,…

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Rizici i opasnosti implantacije veštačke kose

Mnogobrojni ponuđači obećavaju da bi implantacija veštačke kose mogla smanjiti patnju onih ljudi koji pate…

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Wie sich gängige Friseurbehandlungen auf die Haarstruktur auswirken

Moderni frizerski tretmani i njihovo dejstvo na strukturu kose

Farbanje kose ili tretman sa supstancijama koje menjaju strukturu kose u današnje su vreme sastavni…

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Klinische Studien und ihre Bedeutung für die Behandlung von Haarausfall

Kliničke studije i njihov značaj za lečenje opadanja kose

Pojam „klinički ispitano“ često se koristi u svetu reklama jer sugeriše da je dejstvo nekog…

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Umfassender Artikel über Mythen zu Haarausfall und seiner Behandlung veröffentlicht

Objavljen opsežan članak o mitovima o opadanju kose i njegovom lečenju

Vremenom su nastali mnogi mitovi u vezi sa opadanjem kose i njegovim lečenjem. Ti mitovi…

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Fachartikel Neues Haar – neues Leben, von Angela Lehmann, im Magazin wellness life erschienen!

Fachartikel Neues Haar – neues Leben, von Angela Lehmann, im Magazin wellness life erschienen!

Volles Haar signalisiert Gesundheit,Fruchtbarkeit und Jugendlichkeit. Der Verlust der Haare kann für den einzelnen je nach Ausmass ein grosses Problem darstellen. Eine Eigenhaartransplantation schafft hier Abhilfe.

Artikel Neues Haar – neues Leben (pdf)

Neuer Artikel zur Eigenhaartransplantation mittels Crosspunch-Methode veröffentlicht

Objavljen novi članak o transplantaciji sopstvene kose metodom „Crosspunch“

Novim člankom o transplantaciji sopstvene kose metodom „Crosspunch“ želim da Vam na kompaktan način objasnim…

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Artikel über Möglichkeiten und Grenzen moderner Eigenhaartransplantationstechniken veröffentlicht

Objavljen članak o mogućnostima i granicama modernih tehnika transplantacije sopstvene kose

Poštovana čitateljko, poštovani čitaoče, člankom o mogućnostima i granicama modernih tehnika transplantacije sopstvene kose želim…

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Vorstellung neuer Haartransplantationstechnik am ICAPS-Kongress 2016 in Neuseeland

Predstavljanje nove tehnike transplantacije kose na kongresu Internacionalne konfederacije za estetsku i plastičnu hirurgiju (ICAPS) 2016. godine u Novom Zelandu

Dr. D. Knuti (Knutti) je po prvi put na Internacionalnom kongresu za estetske i plastične…

  • Dr. Ana Bandinanaz, Brazil
  • Dr. Darryl Hodgkinson, Australia
  • Dr. Jose Abel de la Pena Selcedo, Mexico
  • Dr. Richard Halley-Stott, South Africa
  • Dr. Stephen Gilbert, New Zealand
  • Dr. Bryan Mendelson, Australia
  • Dr. Gaith Shubailat, Jordan
  • Dr. Joseph Hunstad, USA
  • Dr. Russell Walton, South Africa
  • Dr. Tom Roberts, USA

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Auszug aus dem Buch der Premium Kliniken 2016

Excerpt from the Book of Premium Clinics 2016

Small changes can greatly improve a person’s quality of life. Some patients would like a…

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